Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Perspective.

So, what if we look at all of this from the perspective of the left. That, of course, is a scary thought, but one must be able to see things from the perspective of the enemy to know what precautions to take.
What will this country look like once health care reform is enacted? What will we have left on our plate once all of our debt, throughout this massive liberal spending, is tallied? How deep will the recession go and who will be left standing once our once great nation falls to will of the new world order?
Has the left even stopped for one moment to consider where it is going with all of the agendas it is pushing. If I see how this will impact our children, what about theirs? Are they just blindly following the crowd with no thought of the future?
Health care reform will pass! and then working peoples taxes will rise and we will have much less money in our pockets to pay our energy costs that will undoubtedly increase once cap and trade passes, so we will not be able to pay the note on our F-250, Lexus or Hummer that we didn't really need anyway, but the family with the parents that refused to go to college like the rest of us, even though this country has done everything it could to help them do just that, so that they could propel themselves out of the living conditions that they vehemently claim this country put them in, can live in a house that they cannot afford, attained for them by corrupt left wing organizations like Acorn, food on their table comes from food stamps, their child care is subsidised by the government, their bills are paid through community funded assistance organizations like the Urban League, and yet they still complain that we are not doing enough to help the 'poor' in this country.
I suggest that somone really defines the term poor for these people. I struggle to pay my bills on a somewhat meager salary, that took me a long time to get too, and then I watch as some over paid politician, that may or may not have paid his taxes like I have to do every year, tells me that I need to give more to help these people that, supposedly, cannot help themselves? Come on!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Freedom isn't free at all.

Ever since it's inception, this country has had it's good times and it's bad times, nobody is perfect. The people who fought to free this land from the control of Europe's tyrannical and religious thieves knew that there was a better way to govern people. If left to freely make their own way, they would grow this great nation. Leave them to their hard work and let them prosper from it in freedom and they will build a country that the world will come to admire. It was absolutely not easy in the beginning and there were many obstacles that they had to overcome, but this country is the best place to be right now (if you are willing to take it for what it was meant to be).
Glenn Beck said that is own daughter had a dim view of America. With all of his Flag waiving and cheer leading for this country, he couldn't keep his own offspring from seeing the mistakes the leaders of this country have made over the years. He couldn't stop her from seeing the greed that exists in the hearts of the men who attained lofty positions with the help of the capitalist system that was meant to grow a nation of prosperity and compassion, not at all what we have today. When money is available, there are thieves available to take advantage.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Puppet World!

I have got to say, this supposed 'Obama administration' is talking, telling those on the'Right' what it is planning, and nobody is listening. They are telling us, taunting us, saying 'hey, this is what is happening and there is nothing you can do about it'. And who is the 'Right' they were referring too, it's 'us'. You and me that have worked all our lives to really own a home and never took their hand-outs to sell our soul to the masters of the 'game'.
Let me explain my thought process. Obama, in his speech to congress made a statement to the effect: let the 'Right' step up to the plate with a better idea!. Basically saying: 'they can't' because there is no better idea than the one that his group is pushing. So who is his group, The Left? in a way, Wall Street? well sure, The big money Elite? absolutely. His string are being pulled just like all the presidents before him since Kennedy.
Who better to 'cheer lead' the new world order than a 'cheer leader' that has been groomed from the beginning. We can see that things are heading in a direction that we have no control over, even though we are told everyday what to expect, if listen. But why tell us in advance what is going to happen? Because it is a game to them, that they believe they are in control of. They are the only ones moving the peices on the board. They are the ones getting the high scores that lead to the payoff.
'We' have never been players in this game. We are just the peices that they control in their global game. They beleive that we don't have a move to make on our own, how could we, our individual stake in this game is so small compared to theirs. They control the whole board. That is why they asked the 'Right' to make a move, to show that the game is controlled by them and that we don't have any moves.
It's soo funny really, so obvious as it affects us and we react just as planned. We stumble around like zombies bumping into each other thinking we know as they laugh about what we say we think we know. They tell us that they see us and we cringe in fear of their power, the power that we have given them.
We throw our money at them even though we are very aware that our individual pennies pale in comparison to their vast wealth. They use our own money to control menaceing armies and public 'servants'. Or not!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Medicare Scam

There is yet another issue which no one seems to be talking about. Why wait to change the system to deal with the billions of dollars of waste that the President has found in the Medicare system? If no bill is passed, will the government just sit on its hands just like they have for the last 30 years?
Will they say that they want to clean up the waste, but you did not give us the new legislation we ask for so we won’t do anything about the current system. If the waste is already identified, how is it possible that the federal government is not doing anything about it? They do not need legislation in order to trim costs and avoid overspending.
Cutting out the fraud and waste is a fantastic concept. It’s been used by almost every politician since I can remember. Here is the ‘Unfortunate Truth’. When a politician describes a spending plan, the monetary value of the plan is arbitrary for a reason, he knows that there will be some modicum of fraud and waste. I mean look at the organization that scammed Mr. Obama into office. Acorn is systematically defrauding the government as it’s policy apparently. This skimming of public funds is expected and written in to most projects. I believe that someone should challenge this administration to merely find some of the fraud, say .4%, in a verifiable manner and the stop it. That should be enough to convince anyone, left or right, that they are serious in their convictions. I’m holding my breath for this to happen.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Keep your religion out of my government!

It is remarkable to me that whole nations of people can't see the underlying effects of their reliance on religion to make up policy and how the ignorance of faith, 'the blind leading the blind' scenario, always kills any chance of making the correct, most logical choice. It's unfortunate that those of us who see religion as a barrier to true human advancement will never be listened too because you all are so damn convinced that someones fictional story of a god (that the writer probably wrote while stoned out of his mind) is going to lead us to a 'win for our religion'. I'm laughing my way to an early grave because 'you all have the answers'.

If I could, I would take all of your power away and give it to those who never let false faith blind them when it comes time to make hard decisions!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

We SHOULD learn form the past!

"Successful people learn from the past, without being controlled by it".

That is a quote that I read on a sign in front of, if you can believe this, a church. I totally agree with this statement! Unfortunately, the 'past' is as cloudy as the debate on health care. History is never as clear cut as one might be lead to believe. It really only depends on who's telling of it you adhere too. Just like the bold denials of the holocaust by the Iranians and others, I get the feeling that history in the hands of some can become a tool, reshaped and retold to meet an end or agenda.
I say that it was unbelievable that I had read this in front of a church because religion is, by design, the reshaping of historical fact, turning it into an incredible story that, in most instances, has nothing to do with the truth. The story, in it's new form, can now be used to control the discussion, create a kind of fear and allows the teller to manipulate your money out of your pocket. Religion, in no way, has a monopoly on this tactic. The world of politics has come to embrace this concept all too efficiently. As demonstrated by the events that lead our great country into almost total collapse. Partisan blocking of the other parties good ideas has lead to special interest groups out of control and greedy exploitation of the poor. I sit here watching while our government talks it's way around the truth to tell you that they 'now' have the solution to all of the problems that they have created in the past.
The people who knew this too well, back in the '1700's, struck out against the biggest oppressor of the time, the English government controlled by the powerful Catholic Church. Reflected in the Constitution that these courageous people crafted was a freedom from the oppressors that had taken from them and their ancestors for too long and given back nothing. These were people who worked hard at what they had gained, without guilt, because it was their own sweat and blood that stained the soil that they finally felt was their own. So, they fought for a new right to keep it. Now the peoples hard work should not go unpunished by the elites who use 'empathy' as a mask to hide the guilt they feel for having so much without having to break a sweat. To them there are only two kinds of people, those like themselves who are here to help create more like themselves to take care of those of us who's only hope is that they, the elites, are here to give us a handout.
Fuck that!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Using Logic to Explain Illogical Ideas=Confusion by Design.

I listened to this supposed scholar who use the logical argument that if a teacher is to be hired and out of three candidates being interviewed one believes that 2+2=3, the other believes that 2+2=4, and yet the other says that 2+2=5, which one would should be hired? Now you are undoubtedly asking: what is the argument being used for or against? And, of course you assume that the middle teacher would be the logical choice. What if I tell you that this interview is for a teacher of religion? Would you still choose the guy with the most logical answer? Now I tell you that the supposed scholar doing the hiring called himself a religious scholar (take a guess what religion it was). Of course it would not really matter which religion I was talking about!
Humans have been using semi-logic to explain ignorance forever, it makes the guy doing the explaining sound like he really knows what the hell he's talking about. Not everyone can rebut logical arguments effectively. Those who can are simply accused of ignorance of the issue or heresy. At that point all real is logic is diminished and people even shy away from thinking logically for fear of being demonized.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My view of Libs.

Government in general is an interesting concept. The attempts of a small group of people to dictate laws, spend other peoples money and generally regulate many aspects of a larger group of peoples lives. I don't have a real problem with this, there absolutely need to be rules to live by. Some forms of government are, of course, better than others. As the number of people being governed grows larger, the idea of appeasement or non-appeasement becomes much more complicated. So many different views of how things are to be accomplished come into play. It's hard to give to one group without missing something that another group thinks it should have, because of or in spite of the needs of all, and there is always not enough to go around.
So how do we get around the inevitable fact that not everyone is going to be served in the way that they want? Well, we just pick sides of course. One group can represent one set of ideals and the other can have a different set but all must have the greater good in mind. Does that always work? Hell no it doesn't. First, and (ya) this is gonna sound really negative, we all want everything for ourselves and nothing for others. Even Mother Teresa served the poor and oppressed for the way it made her feel closer to 'God', ya she did. That doesn't make us bad, it is a natural part of striving to exist. Even though we never asked to be here, we hopefully had a good family that made us feel like somebody special so we want to emulate what they wanted for us which sometimes takes a lot of hard work. Second, there are others who would exploit anything that isn't nailed down! Doesn't matter who it belongs too, if they have an opportunity to get their hands on it, it's gone. So, we are naturally very guarded when it comes to 'our stuff'.
So what about the poor? Those that live on the brink of one more day without something, without this or that.
How did they get there and why can't they get out?
Was it their own fault or was this state of depravity thrust upon them somehow? There are as many stories as there are people in the world. I think I heard that somewhere.
I would like to point out that this counrty is very rich, no I mean very fucking rich. I have thought a lot about the division between those that 'have' in this country and those that don't 'have' in the most impoverished places in this world. The biggest difference is that mostly all of those that 'have' can feel some small portion of empathy for those that don't 'have'. On the other hand, usually the poor don't think about the wealthy much at all, this would probably be a big suprise to the 'haves'.
Liberalism is a broad class of political philosophies that considers individual liberty and equality to be the most important political goals. With that sort of position one would almost have to represent the middleclass and lower income of their constituency. A noble leader that lends a hand up for those that have been held back by a capitalist society that favors the rich. Demonizing those that generate most of the wealth in the world. Lets not talk about the fact that those rich folks generate most of the jobs that put the bread on the table of the majority of people in this country.

Friday, August 28, 2009

It's August 28th 2009, my birthday, I turned 49 this year and had been joking with Friends for weeks that this would be my last year of life before the big 'five oh'. Of all the crazy fucking things that happen to us daily, birthday's are the strangest event of all. People that you would never think even remember you suddenly pop up and congratulate you on making it another year. It's all good stuff though. We generally end up just happy to be alive. This year would be different though. Somehow, I was going to do something about the one thing that many people have suggested that I can't do anything about. I am going to unite those of us that believe that 'freedom from religion' is more important than freedom of religion. It is in this thought awakening that I begin this campaign.

Now don't get me wrong, I do not think that we should 'abolish' religion, I like religion in it's less dangerous form. Unfortunately, too many radicals have taken higher positions in churches, mosques, and even synagogues. I have read about, and even heard with my own ears, some of these zealots state that if you do not believe the bullshit that they have submitted too and worship, then you must be less of a good human than they are and hence you are to be counseled, chastised, or worse. Does this sound somewhat fishy to you, it sure does to me. My only conclusion to this sort of thought process is the concept that to advance their cause, they must first demean or eliminate the opposition. If we look at the real context of all religious campaigns, it becomes clear that this concept has and is being used by most of them.

Years have gone by since I watched the two fucking airplanes flying into those buildings in New York. I have attributed this pussy event, perpetrated by psychotic Arab criminal fucks, to a sort of awakening in me of a desire to know more about what just happened, the historical reasons behind the event. The process of absorbing the information gleaned from the historical documentation and the realization that I had known literally 'NOTHING' before the search, was more than I could have imagined at that time. The journey to what I now 'believe' was an easy road to take.

I'm Human! I'm flesh and blood and guts and other things (maybe a little full of shit, laughing, what do you think). But, I'm really fucking serious. There are no 'Gods', no 'Angels', no 'Devils' ghosts, goblins, vampires, werewolves, there may be Alien Beings to our world, although no proof has as yet been presented to the public so I have much doubt. Humans have concocted wild stories about these entities and have found that other humans tend to want to believe them. They have then found that the stories, if crafted in a certain way, can be used to manipulate, control and even radicalize large groups of people. Once a large enough group has been accumulated, they then become a movement. Some movements have even become armies. Religious armies!! What a scary fucking thought. Large groups of humanity that believe in a ghostly leader that can and will do anything that creators of the religion can imagine. Usually the 'god' in the story wants the creators of the story to rule over larger areas and of course to use the newly formed army to accomplish the grisly goal. Much death and other atrocities are to follow, of course, only to be forgiven by the stories 'god' as long as the killing and raping and maiming and other destructive behavior is done in his name. How fucking ignorant are we?

What the fuck is 'holy' and how does this 'holy' shit (no pun intended) help to advance humanity. What I now understand from history, the holy articles, books and subsequent campaigns have only been used to divide our global society. How do we justify the deaths of all the sad ass humans who have paid the price for not realizing the dangers of religion out of control. It now grows strength and allows the justifications for more death and destruction to manifest. We read all about it and take note of certain things that might seem appalling to us and then go back to doing what ever it was we were doing before, allowing it to creep ever closer like a predator in the bush.

I have much respect, in particular, for Islam in a way. Islam does not hide it's campaign of subjugation, even though it realizes that some stealth is required to get closer to it's prey. It teaches it's people, the youth more vehemently, that a new army is needed to carry out it's goal of domination. For many decades, I believe, the Christians thought they might win superior position just by sheer numbers, that dream is slowly fading now. The Jews are a different kind of group. I don't want to say much about them because there is not a campaign to proselytize people into Judaism, there is although an effort to draw Jews into Christianity through some rather deceitful tactics, bad form!

I'm going to state something now I have only recently learned. Looking at the percentages, it is very apparent to me that many intelligent people are turning away from the religions. I have become aware that there may even be more of us than there are of them!! This stunning revelation has me very excited. There is hope in my heart that, with a realistic approach and a concerted effort we can bring religion in line with the truly moral, compassionate and cohesive societal rules. We can stop the problems created by religious bigotry and dissent that hinder the advancement of the human cause. All we have to do is to come together in a powerful and committed way.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Trouble in the Middle East

I can say, with little doubt, that the problems in the middle East are of a cultural nature not a religious one. There is a definite push to make it seem as though Islam is the ultimate little trouble maker, but as I read the history and find out little known secrets about how most of the more unappealing tenets of this religion are not even in it's books. All of the oppression and manipulation of their own people is little more than how things have been done there long before this supposed religion came along. One writer stated that: "If there is one thing common to the Mideast, it is their infinite capacity to blame everyone other than themselves for their own wretched state of oppression and lack of progress." No statement could be truer. I laugh my ass off every time I watch the film of the day that Yasser Arafat met with Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak at Camp David and can't believe the childish behavior displayed by this once 'wannabe' leader of a country.
We have little understanding, or work at never remembering, how events in the middle east before and during WWII laid the groundwork for all that is happening between Israel and the so called Palestinians today. Remarkably blatant lies are concocted to replace 'history' by the Saudi's and other Arab criminals and then are redistributed by the politicos of countries apparently to show how liberal and PC they are. I just wonder if our country will wake up before it is too late!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What the hell is Islam??

I have thought about this question alot and ever since 9/11 I have tried to connect what religion teaches to what could have led supposedly religious people to perpetrate such a heinous act upon people they didn't even know. I was of course applying what I knew about religion to this equation which was a big misconception. After reading about Islam it becomes clear that there is no religion involved, as far as what we Americans imagine religion is today.

Islam is not something that us noninvolved uncaring selfish people in this country can comprehend. I try to talk to others that I interact with daily about what I have learned so far and have found that noone wants to hear or even begin to understand. It is not something that affects them 'right now' so why bother even thinking about it.

I think that it will affect us, and very soon after this administration passes it's 'Health Care Reform' so I am a little concerned right now. If I'm right, and I'm not usually, but if I am there will be a huge jump in the number of muslim immigrants. This will set the stage for a change in how our politics and media interact and then there will be much debate about freedom of speech issues here and all over the western world.

Just a hunch!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Religion as a Social issue.

Okay, so I told you what kind of people I like, now let me tell ya about people I don't like -Aetheists- lol, I view these people as mostly just a bunch of whiny pricks that really don't know much about the history of Religion, they just know that they don't like it and they just want it to go away.

It is true that most religions just want to impose themselves on regular peoples lives more than is ever requested and the maistream ones beleive that they should be allowed more rights than others because of all the wonderful things that they do, but all one has to do is ignore the sillyness or turn the channel or whatever one has to do to just shut it out. That works most of the time, at least here in the good old USA. I often think about haveing that choise when I read about the plight of those people that live in Muslim dominated countries. Not all of those people are living in hardship but there are not alot of freedoms there like we have here, or is there? I have noticed that those that do not have much seem like the ones that always fall victim to some of the more radical elements of their Islamic society. Those that are well off seem to go untouched and usually are shown to be having the time of their lives in a region where some of the things that go on, we are told are forbidden like they do not exist there. Things like Prostitution, and homosexuality. But it's funny that now and then I read about someone being arrested for forcing some girl into selling her body, I guess that means someone is buying. and if homosexuality is such a desparately sinful thing over there, where did all of the gays, that are being killed almost daily in Iraq, come from.
Hmm, makes ya thinkthat maybe they are just killin to kill, making a statement. I sure wish somebody was listening to find out what it is that these people want. Or maybe it is all too obvious.

It was so funny the other day when I heard a news commentator say "It seems to me that the number of child predators and sickos in this country is on the rise!". Now, I say that it was funny because I had thought of this particular commentator as a somewhat intelegent guy. Based on his past reporting positions and his 'holier than thou' attitude, I should have know better. Of course I am talking about the fact that the behavior that he was so astonished to beleive is on the rise is, in my opinion, ever present and has not grown or diminished in any society in this world since life.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Right off

Hello everyone:
This is my first post to my first blog and I am sure that if anyone reads any of this they will come to question alot of my logic and thought processes which I really can't wait to see what happens.
I am going to soon turn 49 yo and having said that I wonder if being that old doesn't in some way lead one to want to share all of the ideas and things that we call knowledge with other people. That is, of course, what led me to do this blog. I have strong opinions about things, like most people, none are really mainstream thinking but you'll figure that out as you read!

I have to say that as far as hero figures go, in my opinion, guys like Einstein and Tesla and Neils Bohr top the list. These people, the real modern thinkers, have given us solutions to questions of how the world works and what it is all about, answers that should help us come together as one world with a central goal. But, that will never happen.

I beleive that the one thing that keeps us at the brink, that keeps us from realizing the thruth is 'Religion'. Religion has always been around to explain away our fears with made up stories that fit the occasion. It promises people things that they want but might not have been able to realize without it's inspiring concepts.

This is what I will attempt to explore here in this forum, so for future reference 'Ne-Credo' is Latin for -non belief- and that is my stance. I hope that I am able to articualte this for you in future post and also I'll be exploring other concepts as well.