Monday, September 28, 2009

Puppet World!

I have got to say, this supposed 'Obama administration' is talking, telling those on the'Right' what it is planning, and nobody is listening. They are telling us, taunting us, saying 'hey, this is what is happening and there is nothing you can do about it'. And who is the 'Right' they were referring too, it's 'us'. You and me that have worked all our lives to really own a home and never took their hand-outs to sell our soul to the masters of the 'game'.
Let me explain my thought process. Obama, in his speech to congress made a statement to the effect: let the 'Right' step up to the plate with a better idea!. Basically saying: 'they can't' because there is no better idea than the one that his group is pushing. So who is his group, The Left? in a way, Wall Street? well sure, The big money Elite? absolutely. His string are being pulled just like all the presidents before him since Kennedy.
Who better to 'cheer lead' the new world order than a 'cheer leader' that has been groomed from the beginning. We can see that things are heading in a direction that we have no control over, even though we are told everyday what to expect, if listen. But why tell us in advance what is going to happen? Because it is a game to them, that they believe they are in control of. They are the only ones moving the peices on the board. They are the ones getting the high scores that lead to the payoff.
'We' have never been players in this game. We are just the peices that they control in their global game. They beleive that we don't have a move to make on our own, how could we, our individual stake in this game is so small compared to theirs. They control the whole board. That is why they asked the 'Right' to make a move, to show that the game is controlled by them and that we don't have any moves.
It's soo funny really, so obvious as it affects us and we react just as planned. We stumble around like zombies bumping into each other thinking we know as they laugh about what we say we think we know. They tell us that they see us and we cringe in fear of their power, the power that we have given them.
We throw our money at them even though we are very aware that our individual pennies pale in comparison to their vast wealth. They use our own money to control menaceing armies and public 'servants'. Or not!

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