Sunday, September 13, 2009

Medicare Scam

There is yet another issue which no one seems to be talking about. Why wait to change the system to deal with the billions of dollars of waste that the President has found in the Medicare system? If no bill is passed, will the government just sit on its hands just like they have for the last 30 years?
Will they say that they want to clean up the waste, but you did not give us the new legislation we ask for so we won’t do anything about the current system. If the waste is already identified, how is it possible that the federal government is not doing anything about it? They do not need legislation in order to trim costs and avoid overspending.
Cutting out the fraud and waste is a fantastic concept. It’s been used by almost every politician since I can remember. Here is the ‘Unfortunate Truth’. When a politician describes a spending plan, the monetary value of the plan is arbitrary for a reason, he knows that there will be some modicum of fraud and waste. I mean look at the organization that scammed Mr. Obama into office. Acorn is systematically defrauding the government as it’s policy apparently. This skimming of public funds is expected and written in to most projects. I believe that someone should challenge this administration to merely find some of the fraud, say .4%, in a verifiable manner and the stop it. That should be enough to convince anyone, left or right, that they are serious in their convictions. I’m holding my breath for this to happen.

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