Thursday, September 10, 2009

We SHOULD learn form the past!

"Successful people learn from the past, without being controlled by it".

That is a quote that I read on a sign in front of, if you can believe this, a church. I totally agree with this statement! Unfortunately, the 'past' is as cloudy as the debate on health care. History is never as clear cut as one might be lead to believe. It really only depends on who's telling of it you adhere too. Just like the bold denials of the holocaust by the Iranians and others, I get the feeling that history in the hands of some can become a tool, reshaped and retold to meet an end or agenda.
I say that it was unbelievable that I had read this in front of a church because religion is, by design, the reshaping of historical fact, turning it into an incredible story that, in most instances, has nothing to do with the truth. The story, in it's new form, can now be used to control the discussion, create a kind of fear and allows the teller to manipulate your money out of your pocket. Religion, in no way, has a monopoly on this tactic. The world of politics has come to embrace this concept all too efficiently. As demonstrated by the events that lead our great country into almost total collapse. Partisan blocking of the other parties good ideas has lead to special interest groups out of control and greedy exploitation of the poor. I sit here watching while our government talks it's way around the truth to tell you that they 'now' have the solution to all of the problems that they have created in the past.
The people who knew this too well, back in the '1700's, struck out against the biggest oppressor of the time, the English government controlled by the powerful Catholic Church. Reflected in the Constitution that these courageous people crafted was a freedom from the oppressors that had taken from them and their ancestors for too long and given back nothing. These were people who worked hard at what they had gained, without guilt, because it was their own sweat and blood that stained the soil that they finally felt was their own. So, they fought for a new right to keep it. Now the peoples hard work should not go unpunished by the elites who use 'empathy' as a mask to hide the guilt they feel for having so much without having to break a sweat. To them there are only two kinds of people, those like themselves who are here to help create more like themselves to take care of those of us who's only hope is that they, the elites, are here to give us a handout.
Fuck that!!

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