Friday, August 28, 2009

It's August 28th 2009, my birthday, I turned 49 this year and had been joking with Friends for weeks that this would be my last year of life before the big 'five oh'. Of all the crazy fucking things that happen to us daily, birthday's are the strangest event of all. People that you would never think even remember you suddenly pop up and congratulate you on making it another year. It's all good stuff though. We generally end up just happy to be alive. This year would be different though. Somehow, I was going to do something about the one thing that many people have suggested that I can't do anything about. I am going to unite those of us that believe that 'freedom from religion' is more important than freedom of religion. It is in this thought awakening that I begin this campaign.

Now don't get me wrong, I do not think that we should 'abolish' religion, I like religion in it's less dangerous form. Unfortunately, too many radicals have taken higher positions in churches, mosques, and even synagogues. I have read about, and even heard with my own ears, some of these zealots state that if you do not believe the bullshit that they have submitted too and worship, then you must be less of a good human than they are and hence you are to be counseled, chastised, or worse. Does this sound somewhat fishy to you, it sure does to me. My only conclusion to this sort of thought process is the concept that to advance their cause, they must first demean or eliminate the opposition. If we look at the real context of all religious campaigns, it becomes clear that this concept has and is being used by most of them.

Years have gone by since I watched the two fucking airplanes flying into those buildings in New York. I have attributed this pussy event, perpetrated by psychotic Arab criminal fucks, to a sort of awakening in me of a desire to know more about what just happened, the historical reasons behind the event. The process of absorbing the information gleaned from the historical documentation and the realization that I had known literally 'NOTHING' before the search, was more than I could have imagined at that time. The journey to what I now 'believe' was an easy road to take.

I'm Human! I'm flesh and blood and guts and other things (maybe a little full of shit, laughing, what do you think). But, I'm really fucking serious. There are no 'Gods', no 'Angels', no 'Devils' ghosts, goblins, vampires, werewolves, there may be Alien Beings to our world, although no proof has as yet been presented to the public so I have much doubt. Humans have concocted wild stories about these entities and have found that other humans tend to want to believe them. They have then found that the stories, if crafted in a certain way, can be used to manipulate, control and even radicalize large groups of people. Once a large enough group has been accumulated, they then become a movement. Some movements have even become armies. Religious armies!! What a scary fucking thought. Large groups of humanity that believe in a ghostly leader that can and will do anything that creators of the religion can imagine. Usually the 'god' in the story wants the creators of the story to rule over larger areas and of course to use the newly formed army to accomplish the grisly goal. Much death and other atrocities are to follow, of course, only to be forgiven by the stories 'god' as long as the killing and raping and maiming and other destructive behavior is done in his name. How fucking ignorant are we?

What the fuck is 'holy' and how does this 'holy' shit (no pun intended) help to advance humanity. What I now understand from history, the holy articles, books and subsequent campaigns have only been used to divide our global society. How do we justify the deaths of all the sad ass humans who have paid the price for not realizing the dangers of religion out of control. It now grows strength and allows the justifications for more death and destruction to manifest. We read all about it and take note of certain things that might seem appalling to us and then go back to doing what ever it was we were doing before, allowing it to creep ever closer like a predator in the bush.

I have much respect, in particular, for Islam in a way. Islam does not hide it's campaign of subjugation, even though it realizes that some stealth is required to get closer to it's prey. It teaches it's people, the youth more vehemently, that a new army is needed to carry out it's goal of domination. For many decades, I believe, the Christians thought they might win superior position just by sheer numbers, that dream is slowly fading now. The Jews are a different kind of group. I don't want to say much about them because there is not a campaign to proselytize people into Judaism, there is although an effort to draw Jews into Christianity through some rather deceitful tactics, bad form!

I'm going to state something now I have only recently learned. Looking at the percentages, it is very apparent to me that many intelligent people are turning away from the religions. I have become aware that there may even be more of us than there are of them!! This stunning revelation has me very excited. There is hope in my heart that, with a realistic approach and a concerted effort we can bring religion in line with the truly moral, compassionate and cohesive societal rules. We can stop the problems created by religious bigotry and dissent that hinder the advancement of the human cause. All we have to do is to come together in a powerful and committed way.

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